Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 93 results
Search results
ELIR-OMEVI: Évaluation Longitudinale, Interconnexions et Randomisation : un Outil de Monitoring et d'Evaluation du Vivre-ensemble Interculturel
Verheyden, B. (PI), Docquier, F. (CoI), Tenikue, M. (CoI), Machado, J. (CoI), Kruten, T. (CoI) & Villeret, A. (CoI)
13/11/23 → 31/01/24
Project: Research
GenderCult: Analyse du secteur culturel luxembourgeois dans une perspective sensible au genre
Lorentz, N. (PI), Borsenberger, M. (CoI), Blond-Hanten, C. (CoI) & Darud, B. (CoI)
30/09/23 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
ISCO_RECODE: Automated ISCO classification of affiliations
Gathmann, C. (PI), Gregory, T. (CoI), Feimi, N. (CoI), Martin, L. (CoI) & Tortorici, G. (CoI)
29/09/23 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
TELEWORK_POSTCOV: Le recours au télétravail des entreprises luxembourgeoises après la pandémie de COVID-19
Hauret, L. (PI), Martin, L. (CoI) & Lejealle, B. (CoI)
21/07/23 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
CGDIS: Analyse de l'engagement des pompiers volontaires
Poussing, N. (PI), Verheyden, B. (CoI), Leduc, K. (CoI), Genevois, A.-S. (CoI) & Hauret, L. (CoI)
15/07/23 → 31/05/24
Project: Research
ELMI: ELMI - Network of European Labour Market Research Institutes
Thill, P. (PI), Gathmann, C. (CoI), Salomons, A. (CoI), Bosetti, V. (CoI), Fitzenberger, B. (PI), Uhlendorff, A. (CoI), Hemström Hemmingsson, M. (CoI), Joyce, R. (CoI), Pesola, H. (CoI), Lewandowski, P. (CoI), Mittag, N. (CoI), Stobbe, H. (CoI), Gregory, T. (CoI) & Hillmann, H. (CoI)
1/07/23 → 30/04/24
Project: Research
USeng: Unmet healthcare needs in Senegal and the role of universal health coverage
Tenikue, M. (PI) & Suhrcke, M. (CoI)
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
1/06/23 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
LISER RSS 2023: RESCOM - LISER Research Seminar Series
Muller, A. (PI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI), Zdanowska, N. (CoI), Caruso, G. (CoI), Tatsiramos, K. (CoI), Chen, S. (CoI), Nieto Castro, A. (CoI), Gathmann, C. (CoI), Van Acker, V. (CoI), Sologon, D. (CoI), Zdanowska, N. (CoI), Chen, S. (CoI), Nix, E. (CoI), Kramarz, F. (CoI), Mollerstrom, J. (CoI), Landais, C. (CoI), Bindler, A. (CoI), Bazzi, S. (CoI), Pumain, D. (CoI), Batty, M. (CoI), Graff Zivin, J. (CoI), Jankowska, M. (CoI), Huttunen, K. (CoI), Arundel, R. (CoI), Puga, D. (CoI), Groeger, A. (CoI) & Aguila, E. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
1/01/23 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
UPSKILL: Skills and Labour Markets in the Digital and Green Transition
Gathmann, C. (PI), Bia, M. (CoI), Clement, F. (CoI), Kim, J. (CoI), Misangumukini, N. (CoI), Sierminska, E. (CoI), Tortorici, G. (CoI), Ras, E. (CoI), Gallais, M. (CoI), Johannsen, L. (CoI), Baudet, A. (CoI), Gratz, P. (CoI), Pedretti, O. (CoI), Naudet, Y. (CoI), Tantar, A. (CoI) & Thill, P. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
1/12/22 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
EvaCAI: Evaluation du CAI: caractéristiques des participants
Machado, J. (PI), Verheyden, B. (CoI), Tenikue, M. (CoI), Albanese, A. (CoI) & Docquier, F. (CoI)
15/10/22 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
INGINCO: Inégalités de genre. Inflation et consommation
Peluso, E. (PI), Islam, N. (CoI), Leduc, K. (CoI), Menta, G. (CoI), Sologon, D. (CoI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI) & Verheyden, B. (CoI)
Ministère de l'Égalité des genres et de la Diversité (MEGA)
26/09/22 → 15/09/23
Project: Research
RTT 2022: Etat des lieux des avantages et inconvénients de la réduction du temps de travail
Nguyen-Thi, T. U. (PI), Robert, F. (CoI), Hauret, L. (CoI), Martin, L. (CoI) & Lepinteur, A. (Contracting Partner)
Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de l'Economie sociale et solidaire
10/09/22 → 15/02/23
Project: Research
CCEVAL: Evaluation des dispositions relatives à la convention collective dans le Code du travail
Blond-Hanten, C. (PI), Robert, F. (CoI), Thomas, A. (CoI), Clement, F. (CoI) & Kerschen, N. (Contracting Partner)
Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de l'Economie sociale et solidaire
9/09/22 → 30/04/23
Project: Research
Luxembourg Stratégie - Etude SOC2050: Etude sur la désirabilité du changement sociétal
Verheyden, B. (PI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI), Thill, P. (CoI), Tenikue, M. (CoI), Thomas, A. (CoI), Peluso, E. (CoI) & Jiang Wang, A. (CoI)
29/08/22 → 29/12/23
Project: Research
Heart@Work: From the heart to the work
Martin, L. (PI), Forest, J. (CoI), Brouillette, J. (CoI) & Mueller, M. (CoI)
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
1/07/22 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
Inclusion numérique
Poussing, N. (PI), Martin, L. (CoI) & Hauret, L. (CoI)
Ministère de la Digitalisation
1/06/22 → 15/01/23
Project: Research
MONACO: Monitoring and Assessing Company Law Transposition
Robert, F. (PI)
European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)
1/03/22 → 30/04/23
Project: Research
LMI-EUniv: Innovating the use of Labour Market Intelligence within European Universities
Hauret, L. (PI), Clement, F. (CoI), Martin, L. (CoI) & Misangumukini, N. (CoI)
28/02/22 → 27/04/24
Project: Research
LISERRSS: RESCOM - LISER Research Seminar Series
Muller, A. (PI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI), Paccoud, A. (CoI), Caruso, G. (CoI), Tatsiramos, K. (CoI), Chen, S. (CoI), Nieto Castro, A. (CoI), Gathmann, C. (CoI), Van Acker, V. (CoI), Sologon, D. (CoI), Nieto Castro, A. (CoI), Zdanowska, N. (CoI), Chen, S. (CoI), Wössmann, L. (CoI), Ayllón, S. (CoI), Aguila, E. (CoI), Sanz de Galaeno, A. (CoI), Skans, O. (CoI), Trippl, M. (CoI), Almas, I. (CoI), Deschênes, O. (CoI), Llull, J. (CoI), Uhlendorff, A. (CoI), Raute, A. (CoI), van Lierop, D. (CoI), Clapham, D. (CoI), van der Velde, M. (CoPI) & Augsburg, B. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
1/01/22 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
TEMPORG: The Implications of Temperature for Social Interactions, Work Organization and Well-Being
Gathmann, C. (PI), Nieto Castro, A. (PI), Albanese, A. (CoI), Tatsiramos, K. (CoI) & Cosaert, S. (Non Contracting Partner)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
1/12/21 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
SGI Survey: Sustainable Governance Indicators
Clement, F. (PI) & Thomas, A. (CoI)
23/11/21 → 31/05/22
Project: Research
PIA: Etat des lieux des séances d'information organisées au Luxembourg
Docquier, F. (PI), Lomos, C. (CoI), Machado, J. (CoI) & Quaresma Brant Chaves, T. (CoI)
1/10/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
REVIS: Evaluation du dispositif REVIS
Fusco, A. (PI), GIRARDI, S. (CoI), LEDUC, K. (CoI), Genevois, A.-S. (CoI), Lejealle, B. (CoI), Thill, P. (CoI), PELUSO, E. (CoI), Martins, C. (CoI), Lambo Ouafo, A. (CoI), Langehegermann, L. (CoI), Segura, J. (CoI), Clement, F. (CoI), Frank, L. (CoI) & Maas, R. (CoI)
Ministère de la Famille, de l'Intégration et à la Grande Région
1/10/21 → 31/07/23
Project: Research
LOWSKIM: A job matching app sustaining mobility of low-skilled on a disrupted labour market
Martin, L. (PI), Hauret, L. (CoI), Bourgeon, P. (CoI), Vallogia, P. (CoI), Belair, M. (CoI) & Baer, I. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
1/09/21 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
TRAJ-XB-FR: Situation et trajectoires d'emploi des frontaliers français au Luxembourg par secteur d'activité
Hauret, L. (PI), Lejealle, B. (CoI), Genevois, A.-S. (CoI) & Guastalli, E. (CoI)
21/06/21 → 30/03/23
Project: Research
LaMaM: Labor Market Mobility: Immigration, Automation, and Inequality
Burzynski, M. (PI), Docquier, F. (CoI), Peri, G. (Other) & Verheyden, B. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
1/06/21 → 30/10/24
Project: Research
Les cafés-débats "LISER AFTERWORKS"
Wiscour-Conter, C. (PI), Omrani, H. (CoI), Docquier, F. (CoI), Fallucchi, F. (CoI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI), Martin, L. (CoI), Nguyen-Thi, T. U. (CoI), Theloudis, A. (CoI), Paccoud, A. (CoI), Muller, A. (CoI) & pmo (CoI)
15/03/21 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
PARTELSOC: Analyse de la participation aux élections sociales de 2019 à la Chambre des Salariés et de l'impact institutionnel de la Chambre des Salariés au Luxembourg
Clement, F. (PI), Leduc, K. (CoI), Blond-Hanten, C. (CoI), Thill, P. (CoI) & Thomas, A. (CoI)
Chambre des Salariés au Luxembourg (C.S.L.)
5/02/21 → 4/09/22
Project: Research
UNTANGLED: Untangling the impacts of technological transformations, globalisation and demographic change to foster shared prosperity in Europe
Lenaerts, K. (Partner PI), Martin, L. (PI), Lewandowski, P. (CoI), Hartwig, R. (CoI), Holtgrewe, U. (CoI), Doorley, K. (CoI), Pompei, F. (CoI), Capello, R. (CoI), Rabaud, I. (CoI), Bachmann, R. (CoI), Du, Y. (CoI), Fernandez, C. (CoI), Bhorat, H. (CoI), Markiewicz, O. (CoI), Bourgeon, P. (CoI), Hauret, L. (CoI), Nguyen-Thi, T. U. (CoI), Verheyden, B. (CoI), Marguerit, D. (CoI), Burzynski, M. (CoI), Thomas, A. (CoI), Docquier, F. (CoI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI) & Thill, P. (CoI)
1/02/21 → 31/01/24
Project: Research
COGEL-19: COVID-19 and Gender Equality in Luxembourg
Peluso, E. (PI), Chen, S. (CoI), Genevois, A.-S. (CoI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI), Verheyden, B. (CoI) & Menta, G. (CoI)
Ministère de l'Égalité des genres et de la Diversité (MEGA)
1/01/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Posting.Stat: Enhancing the collection and analysis of national data on intra-EU posting
Clement, F. (PI) & Bourgeon, P. (CoI)
Commission européenne, Eurostat, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
1/01/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
PAVAI-RPTL: PArticipation à la Vie Associative et Integration des Ressortissants de Pays Tiers du Luxembourg
Tenikue, M. (PI), Lejealle, B. (CoI), Verheyden, B. (CoI), Kruten, T. (CoI), Breulheid, S. (CoI), Guastalli, E. (CoI), Boehm, B. (CoI), Vasaune, D. (CoI), Bouvy, I. (CoI) & Crnic, E. (CoI)
Ministère de la Famille, de l'Intégration et à la Grande Région
1/01/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
BILANPOT: Bilan des dispositions légales de la loi du 23 décembre 2016 concernant l'organisation du temps de travail et portant modification du Code du travail
Lejealle, B. (PI), Kruten, T. (CoI), Nguyen-Thi, T. U. (CoI) & Hauret, L. (CoI)
Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de l'Economie sociale et solidaire
23/11/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Analyse des choix de localisation des immigrés au Luxembourg
Docquier, F. (PI), Machado, J. (CoI) & Albanese, A. (CoI)
Ministère de la Famille, de l'Intégration et à la Grande Région
1/07/20 → 31/03/21
Project: Research
FAREWELL-to-C19: FAmily Response and WELL-being effects of Covid-19
Peluso, E. (PI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI), Bousselin, A. (CoI), Alieva, A. (CoI), Verheyden, B. (CoI), Licheron, J. (CoI), Sauer, P. (CoI), Olivera, J. (CoI), Paccoud, A. (CoI), Theloudis, A. (CoI), Gorczynska-Angiulli, M. (CoI), Fallucchi, F. (CoI), Görges, L. (CoI) & Chabé-Ferret, B. (CoI)
1/07/20 → 30/06/21
Project: Research
MODVid: Modeling the macroeconomic and distributional effects of COVID-19 and restarting scenarios
Docquier, F. (PI), Burzynski, M. (CoI), Beine, M. (Contracting Partner), Magni, S. (Contracting Partner), Peroni, C. (Contracting Partner), Van Kerm, P. (CoI), Islam, N. (CoI), Lorentz, N. (CoI), Leduc, K. (CoI), Sologon, D. (CoI), Machado, J. (CoI), Linden, J. (CoI) & Kyzyma, I. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
15/06/20 → 14/12/20
Project: Research
DIGITUP: Digital upskilling in a telework environment
Martin, L. (PI), Clement, F. (CoI), Poussing, N. (CoI), Robert, F. (CoI), Nguyen-Thi, T. U. (CoI), Hauret, L. (CoI), Bourgeon, P. (CoI), Marguerit, D. (CoI), Gewinner, I. (CoI), Pénard, T. (Non Contracting Partner), Sutan, A. (Non Contracting Partner), Vranceanu, R. (Non Contracting Partner) & Rosaz, J. (Non Contracting Partner)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
18/05/20 → 17/01/21
Project: Research
ASSESS: Are People Aware of their (Housing) Wealth ? Assessing Owner-Estimated Home Values in Survey and Experimental Data
Waltl, S. (PI), Ziegelmeyer, M. (Non Contracting Partner), Nosenzo, D. (CoI) & Fallucchi, F. (CoI)
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
1/03/20 → 30/09/22
Project: Research
CARE: Analyse socio-démographique du secteur du nettoyage au Luxembourg
Hauret, L. (PI), Blond-Hanten, C. (CoI), Martin, L. (CoI) & Lejealle, B. (CoI)
Chambre des Salariés au Luxembourg (C.S.L.)
27/01/20 → 26/04/20
Project: Study
APPEAL: Assessing Primary Care Performance in Luxembourg
Moran, V. (PI), Bia, M. (CoI) & Thill, P. (CoI)
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
1/01/20 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
IA: Enquête sur l'Intelligence artificielle au Luxembourg
Poussing, N. (PI), Darud, B. (CoI), Catanzaro, D. (CoI), Kruten, T. (CoI) & Segura, J. (CoI)
Ministère de la Digitalisation
1/10/19 → 28/02/20
Project: Research
PIL'R: Réflexions sur les politiques d'intégration au Luxembourg : Mise en perspective et enseignements des recherches récentes
Verheyden, B. (CoI), Alieva, A. (CoI), Thill, P. (CoI), Tenikue, M. (CoI), Docquier, F. (PI), Bourgeon, P. (CoI) & Machado, J. (CoI)
Ministère de la Famille, de l'Intégration et à la Grande Région
1/09/19 → 31/12/19
Project: Research
INFO FLOW SAVVY: De nouvelles aptitudes face à la surcharge informationnelle
Poussing, N. (PI), Guastalli, E. (CoI) & Martin, L. (CoI)
29/04/19 → 31/12/19
Project: Research
MIGAPE: Mind the Gap in Pensions; Simulation and knowledge dissemination on gender gaps, their underlying causes, and how they could be reduced
Liegeois, P. (PI), Fallucchi, F. (CoI), Genevois, A.-S. (CoI), Vergnat, V. (CoI), Islam, N. (CoI), Leduc, K. (CoI) & Guastalli, E. (CoI)
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), European Commission
1/04/19 → 31/03/21
Project: Research
The GG goes 'round - De GG geet ronderëm
Blond-Hanten, C. (PI), Lanscotte, B. (CoI), Lejealle, B. (CoI), Sierminska, E. (CoI) & Zana-Nau, E. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
10/03/19 → 8/03/20
Project: Research
EUPACK2019: Support for developing country knowledge on public administation
Thill, P. (PI)
PPMI (Public Policy Research Institute)
4/03/19 → 19/10/19
Project: Consultancy
RSS: LISER Research Seminar Series
Muller, A. (PI), Andreoli, F. (CoI), Machado, J. (CoI), Paccoud, A. (CoI), Tatsiramos, K. (CoI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI), Borjas, G. (Other), Brett, C. (Other), Currie, J. (Other), del Bono, E. (Other), Harrison, J. (Other), Ichino, A. (Other), Cummins, S. (Other), Flachair, E. (Other), Michaud, P. C. (Other), Maag-Merki, K. (Other), Nieuwenhuijsen, M. (Other), Orru, H. (Other), Stillman, S. (Other), Villeval, M.-C. (Other), Wunsch, C. (Other), Huber, M. (Other), Becker, S. O. (Other), Bloom, N. (Other), Giuliano, P. (Other), Lanzendorf, M. (Other), Meghir, C. (Other), Ruhm, C. (Other), Algan, Y. (Other), de Nardi, M. (Other), Hamnett, C. (Other), Hoynes, H. (Other), Lundberg, S. (Other) & Reardon, S. (Other)
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
1/01/19 → 31/12/19
Project: Scientific event
DemChange: Develop and initiate data analysis plan for the Youth Bulge and National Security in Africa
Tenikue, M. (PI)
1/01/19 → 30/09/19
Project: Consultancy