Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 134 results
Search results
Identification des barrières à l'accès aux soins des populations vulnérables
Moran, V. (PI), Suhrcke, M. (CoI), Villeret, A. (CoI) & Vanni, L. (CoI)
18/11/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
ECG-LUX: Contribution to the biennial report on the implementation of the European Child Guarantee (ECG) in Luxembourg
Guio, A.-C. (PI), Marlier, E. (CoI), Gorczynska-Angiulli, M. (CoI), Suhrcke, M. (CoI) & Peluso, E. (CoI)
18/10/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
INDEX2025: Etablissement de l'indice socio-économico-culturel de la population scolaire à l'échelle des syndicats scolaires et communes pour 2025
Peluso, E. (PI), Quaresma Brant Chaves, T. (CoI) & van Kerm, P. (Contracting Partner)
1/09/24 → 30/04/25
Project: Research
OSVdL: Observatoire Social de la Ville de Luxembourg
Durand, F. (PI), Peluso, E. (CoPI), Feltgen, V. (CoI), Genevois, A.-S. (CoI), Leduc, K. (CoI), Lorentz, N. (CoI), Magnoni, N. (CoI), Pacht, L. (CoI), Quaresma Brant Chaves, T. (CoI) & Vanni, L. (CoI)
1/04/24 → 31/12/29
Project: Research
OSDud: Observatoire social de Dudelange
Durand, F. (PI), Leduc, K. (CoI), Peluso, E. (CoI), Pacht, L. (CoI), Darud, B. (CoI), Genevois, A.-S. (CoI), Lorentz, N. (CoI), de Lanchy, G. (CoI), Borsenberger, M. (CoI), Maas, R. (CoI), Vanni, L. (CoI), Quaresma Brant Chaves, T. (CoI), Feltgen, V. (CoI), Blond-Hanten, C. (CoI), Decoville, A. (CoI), Paccoud, A. (CoI), Peluso, E. (CoI) & Boissot, P. (CoI)
1/04/24 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
ITOSTL: Inequality transmission over space and time in Luxembourg
Kuldosheva, G. (PI), Peluso, E. (CoI) & Andreoli, F. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
15/02/24 → 14/02/27
Project: Research
WinWin4WorkLife: Healthy, inclusive and sustainable remote work futures as a Win-Win for employees and employers in urban, rural and cross-border areas
Van Acker, V. (PI), Gerber, P. (CoI), Hauret, L. (CoI), Martin, L. (CoI), Montes Vinas, A. (CoI), Sologon, D. (CoI), Vallaeys, H. (CoI), Pieter, T. (CoI), Minnen, J. (CoI), Kaufmann, V. (CoI), Drevon, G. (CoI), Karnaki, P. (CoI), Linos, A. (CoI), Münter, L. (CoI), Zinckernagel, L. (CoI), de Abreu e Silva, J. (CoI), Moeckel, R. (CoI), Arntz, M. (CoI), Ben Yahmed, S. (CoI), Erdsiek, D. (CoI), Soria-Lara, J. A. (CoI), Martin Ramos, B. (CoI), Lopez Lambas, M. E. (CoI), Navarro Ligero, M. (CoI), Rojas Rivero, A. (CoI), Kovacikova, T. (CoI), Cornet, Y. (CoI), Buzna, L. (CoI), Petrov, T. (CoI), Malichova, E. (CoI), Hook, H. (CoI), Järv, O. (CoI), Toivonen, T. (CoI), Karasov, O. (CoI), Müürisepp, K. (CoI), Weerepas, M. (CoI), Mertens, P. (CoI), Krabac, J. (CoI), Kavec, J. (CoI), Hrnciar, M. (CoI), Weber, J. (CoI) & Golpour, A. (CoI)
1/02/24 → 31/07/27
Project: Research
CHILDWEB3-part 2: Bien-être des enfants - 2ème phase
Bousselin, A. (PI), Genevois, A.-S. (CoI), Alieva, A. (CoI), Menta, G. (CoI) & Peluso, E. (CoI)
1/12/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
SOC-INC-HET: Social inclusion of people with disabilities taking into account and explaining heterogeneity
Schroeder, M. (PI) & Suhrcke, M. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
1/10/23 → 30/09/26
Project: Research
SPIN: Spatial Economics of Income Distribution Across Borders: Drivers of Spatial Inequalities using Microsimulation
Sologon, D. (PI), O’Donoghue, C. (Non Contracting Partner), Andreoli, F. (CoI), Gerber, P. (CoI), Licheron, J. (CoI), Montes Vinas, A. (CoI) & Paccoud, A. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
1/09/23 → 30/11/26
Project: Research
ECOMOD: Capacity building in environmental and economic policy modelling and data analysis
Sologon, D. (PI), Liégeois, P. (CoI), Montes Vinas, A. (CoI), O’Donoghue, C. (Contracting Partner), Kirn, T. (Partner PI), Neumärker, B. (CoI), Richiardi, M. (CoI), Colombino, U. (CoI), Schupp, J. (CoI), Bach, S. (CoI) & Pearce, N. (Non Contracting Partner)
1/09/23 → 28/02/26
Project: Research
UNSASSUB: UNconditional Social ASSistance and Unemployment Benefits
Maniquet, F. (PI), Islam, N. (CoI), Peluso, E. (CoI), Verheyden, B. (CoI) & Haydar, H. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
1/09/23 → 31/08/27
Project: Research
TIOCIFSFTDOWAPI: Wealth concentration and the contemporary dynamics of family formation
Scalese Correa, F. (PI) & Van Kerm, P. (CoI)
1/09/23 → 31/08/26
Project: Research
POLUX21: Analyse du Recensement de Population du Luxembourg 2021
Gerber, P. (PI), Dautel, V. (CoI), Valentova, M. (CoI), Klein, S. (CoI), Fusco, A. (CoI), Bousselin, A. (CoI), Alieva, A. (CoI), Klein, O. (CoI), Licheron, J. (CoI), Sologon, D. (CoI), Gathmann, C. (CoI), Paccoud, A. (CoI), Peluso, E. (CoI) & Docquier, F. (CoI)
1/04/23 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Smartwielen: Smartwielen: Use and impact at the 2023 national and 2024 European elections
Peluso, E. (PI), Dumont, P. (Partner PI) & Van Kerm, P. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
1/01/23 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
REDICO: REducing DIsparities in Cancer Outcomes
Moran, V. (PI), Faguerazzi, G. (Partner PI), Suhrcke, M. (CoI) & Pilleron, S. (Partner PI)
1/01/23 → 31/03/28
Project: Research
EVOSS: Evolution of social segregation in education - Investigating socio-economic and socio-cultural disparities in the Luxembourg school system
Peluso, E. (PI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI), Alieva, A. (CoI) & Quaresma Brant Chaves, T. (CoI)
Observatoire National de la Qualité Scolaire
1/12/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
GUIDE: Growing Up In Digital Europe: EuroCohort
Sologon, D. (PI), Pollock, G. (PI), Symonds, J. (PI), Rodrigues, R. (Contracting Partner), Nicaise, I. (Contracting Partner), Barbarovic, T. (Contracting Partner), Unt, M. (Contracting Partner), Salmela-Aro, K. (Contracting Partner), Panico, L. (Contracting Partner), Artelt, C. (Contracting Partner), Koronaiou, A. (Contracting Partner), Csoba, J. (Contracting Partner), Cocchi, D. (Contracting Partner), Stasulane, A. (Contracting Partner), Skalicka, V. (Contracting Partner), Mynarska, M. (Contracting Partner), Nico, M. (Contracting Partner), Mihalik, J. (Contracting Partner), Gornik, B. (Contracting Partner), Serracant Melendres, P. (Contracting Partner), Lynn, P. (Contracting Partner), Sullivan, A. (Contracting Partner) & Bousselin, A. (CoI)
28/11/22 → …
Project: Research
GUIDEPREP: Growing Up in Digital Europe Preparation Phase
Sologon, D. (PI), Valentova, M. (CoI), Symonds, J. (Partner PI), Pollock, G. (Contracting Partner), Ecchia, G. (Contracting Partner), Babarovic, T. (Contracting Partner), Salmela-Aro, K. (Contracting Partner), Panico, L. (Contracting Partner), Walper, S. (Contracting Partner), Spiess, K. (Contracting Partner), Weber, W. (Contracting Partner), Das, M. (Contracting Partner), Currie, C. (Contracting Partner), Nicaise, I. (Contracting Partner), Mortelmans, D. (Contracting Partner), Saar, E. (Contracting Partner), Koronaiou, A. (Contracting Partner), Csoba, J. (Contracting Partner), Stasulane, A. (Contracting Partner), Cefai, C. (Contracting Partner), Skalicka, V. (Contracting Partner), de Almeida Alves, N. (Contracting Partner), Mihalik, J. (Contracting Partner), Gornik, B. (Contracting Partner), Bousselin, A. (CoI), Guio, A.-C. (CoI), Marlier, E. (CoI), Kruten, T. (CoI), Lomos, C. (CoI) & Peluso, E. (CoI)
1/10/22 → 30/09/26
Project: Research
Sustainbility@Leave: Parental Leave Policies and Social Sustainabilities
Reimer, T. (Partner PI), Valentova, M. (PI) & Uzunalioglu, M. (CoI)
13/09/22 → 12/09/26
Project: Research
WeLaR: Welfare systems and labour market policies for economic and social resilience in Europe
Martin, L. (PI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI), Olivera, J. (CoI), Machado, J. (CoI), Lenaerts, K. (Partner PI), Barslund, M. (CoI), Vandekerckhove, S. (CoI), Lenaerts, K. (CoI), Ramioul, M. (CoI), Islam, N. (CoI), Guio, A.-C. (CoI), Lewandowski, P. (CoI), Magda, I. (CoI), Drahokoupil, J. (CoI), Palczynska, M. (CoI), Albinowski, M. (CoI), Hartwig, R. (CoI), Leitner, S. (CoI), Jestl, M. (CoI), mara, I. (CoI), Holtgrewe, U. (CoI), Vana, I. (CoI), Koller, K. (CoI), Perugini, C. (CoI), Pompei, F. (CoI), Venturini, F. (CoI), Castellani, D. (CoI), Siegloch, S. (CoI), Abrell, J. (CoI), Ungerer, M. (CoI), Rausch, S. (CoI), Markiewicz, O. (CoI), Zarkovic, J. (CoI), Arandarenko, M. (CoI), Vladisavljevic, M. (CoI), Avlijas, S. (CoI), Anic, A. (CoI), Van Hercke, B. (CoI), Peña-Casas, R. (CoI), Ghailani, D. (CoI), Verheyden, B. (CoI), Kruten, T. (CoI), Fusco, A. (CoI), Nguyen-Thi, T. U. (CoI) & Hauret, L. (CoI)
1/09/22 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
RELIANCE: REaL-life cANCer data epidemiology Breast Cancer
Suhrcke, M. (PI) & Moran, V. (CoI)
Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)
1/08/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
ChilDev: Investigating the consequences of public investments in Early Childhood Education and Care services for the quality of provision and child development
Bousselin, A. (PI), Albanese, A. (CoI), Andreoli, F. (CoI), Genevois, A.-S. (CoI), Quaresma Brant Chaves, T. (CoI), Guastalli, E. (CoI), Dupuy, A. (Contracting Partner) & Zanardelli, M. (Non Contracting Partner)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
1/06/22 → 31/05/25
Project: Research
IOM: Inequality of Opportunity: Measurement, Evolution and Mechanisms
Fusco, A. (PI), van der Weide, R. (Host Institution) & Ferreira, F. H. G. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
1/06/22 → 31/05/25
Project: Research
Eurofound-NEC (2022-2026): Eurofound- National Correspondent Luxembourg
Clement, F. (PI), Lorentz, N. (CoI), Maas, R. (CoI), Leduc, K. (CoI), Misangumukini, N. (CoI), Robert, F. (CoI), Blond-Hanten, C. (CoI), Thill, P. (CoI) & Thomas, A. (CoI)
1/03/22 → 28/02/26
Project: Research
GG: The GG is on the road again! De GG ass erem ennerwee!
Blond-Hanten, C. (PI), Borsenberger, M. (CoI), Lejealle, B. (CoI), Lanscotte, B. (CoI), Darud, B. (CoI), Bousselin, A. (CoI), Gallais, M. (CoI), Johannsen, L. (CoI), Moll, C. (CoI), Anastasiou, D. (CoI) & Roseren, E. (CoI)
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
1/01/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
3E: Experiments, Ethics and Economics
SUHRCKE, M. (PI), Martin, L. (CoI), Nosenzo, D. (CoI), REUBEN, E. (CoI), VAN KERM, P. (CoI), Neugebauer, T. (CoI), Koenig, V. (CoI), Schiltz, C. (CoI), Mantin, B. (CoI), Vögele, C. (CoI), Muller, N. (CoI), Jiang Wang, A. (CoI), Cristelo, D. (CoI) & Kotek, M. (CoI)
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
1/10/21 → 31/03/28
Project: Research
MOBI-HEALTH: MOBI-HEALTH: Mobility, Health and Inclusive Urban Epidemic Resilience
Dijst, M. (PI), Van Acker, V. (CoI), Médard de Chardon, C. (CoI), Grimsrud, B. (Partner PI), Friman, M. (Contracting Partner), Aamodt, G. (Contracting Partner), Suhrcke, M. (CoI), Moran, V. (CoI) & Seuring, T. (CoI)
27/05/21 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
EUROMOD_Y12: Technical Support for the Development and Update of EUROMOD: Support to EUROMOD for Luxembourg - Years 2021-2024
Islam, N. (PI), Genevois, A.-S. (CoI) & El Maslohi, A. (CoI)
15/04/21 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
SSLAG: Social suffering, 'lifeworlds' and agency of social assistance beneficiaries in Luxembourg
Maas, R. (PI), Lomos, C. (CoI), Schehr, S. (CoI) & Hadjar, A. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
15/01/21 → 22/12/27
Project: Research
COVALUX: COVID-19, Vaccination and Longer-term health consequences of COVID-19 in Luxembourg
Suhrcke, M. (PI), Wilmes, P. (Partner PI), Fagherazzi, G. (CoPI), Abdelrahman, T. (CoI), Cauchie, H.-M. (CoI), Benoy, C. (CoI), De La Fuente Garcia, I. (CoI) & Moran, V. (CoI)
12/01/21 → …
Project: Research
PROPEL: PROactive Policy-making for Equal Lives
Flynn, L. (PI), VAN KERM, P. (Partner PI), Howarth, D. (CoI) & Buscicchio, G. (CoI)
1/01/21 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
EnviroSim: Assessing the Impact of Environmental Policy on Consumption Behaviour, Greehouse Gas Emissions and Income Distribution
Linden, J. (PI), Sologon, D. (CoI) & O’Donoghue, C. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
1/01/21 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
(LIS)²ER: (LIS)²ER Initiative
Peluso, E. (PI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI), Munzi, T. (CoI), Fusco, A. (CoI), Islam, N. (CoI), Lee, K. (CoI) & Sauer, P. (CoI)
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
1/01/20 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
ASP: Assistance Personnelle
SUHRCKE, M. (PI), DARUD, B. (CoI), MARTINS, C. (CoI), Blaise, M. (CoI), Plavsic, N. (PI), Magnoni, N. (CoI) & Bousch, P. (CoI)
Ministère de la Famille, de l'Intégration et à la Grande Région
1/10/19 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
DRIVEN: Data-driven computational modelling and applications
Fusco, A. (PI), Beex, L. (CoI), Billieux, J. (CoI), Bordas, S. (CoI), D'Ambrosio, C. (CoI), Del Sol, A. (CoI), Francis, O. (CoI), Hale, J. (CoI), Pang, J. (CoI), Peters, B. (CoI), Sauter, T. (CoI), Skupin, A. (CoI), Theobald, M. (CoI), Tkatchenko, A. (CoI), Van Dam, T. (CoI), Viti, F. (CoI), Vögele, C. (CoI), Zilian, A. (Partner PI) & Montorsi, C. (CoI)
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
1/09/18 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
ICILS - International Computer and Information Literacy Study Luxembourg
Lomos, C. (PI)
Ministère de l'Education nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse
1/01/17 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Observatoire de l'absentéisme au travail
Genevois, A.-S. (PI), Leman, M. (CoI), Di blasi, M. (CoI), Siedler, P. (CoI), Crnic, E. (CoI) & Boehm, B. (CoI)
Ministère de la Sécurité Sociale
1/01/11 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
OH: Observatoire de l'Habitat
Paccoud, A. (PI), Licheron, J. (CoI), Feltgen, V. (CoI), Skoczylas, K. (CoI), Gorczynska-Angiulli, M. (CoI), Zieba-Kulawik, K. (CoI), Uyttebrouck, C. (CoI), Peluso, E. (CoI), Leduc, K. (CoI), Lorentz, N. (CoI), Bérard, G. (CoI), Villeret, A. (CoI), Guastalli, E. (CoI) & Vanni, L. (CoI)
1/01/03 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
Not started
EPIC: European Platform for Investing in Children - 2018 country profile for Luxembourg
Amjahad, A. (PI) & Leduc, K. (CoI)
Project: Research
Problem-solving: How do Pupils Acquire Problem-Solving Skills with the Help of Instructional Videos ?
Lomos, C. (PI) & Abrahamson, D. (Host Institution)
15/11/23 → 15/08/24
Project: Research
Indice scolaire Esch 2023: Etablissement d'un indice socio-économico-culturel de la population scolaire à l'échelle des ressorts scolaires de la commune d'Esch-sur-Alzette
Peluso, E. (PI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI) & Quaresma Brant Chaves, T. (CoI)
1/10/23 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
GenderCult: Analyse du secteur culturel luxembourgeois dans une perspective sensible au genre
Lorentz, N. (PI), Borsenberger, M. (CoI), Blond-Hanten, C. (CoI) & Darud, B. (CoI)
30/09/23 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
CGDIS: Analyse de l'engagement des pompiers volontaires
Poussing, N. (PI), Verheyden, B. (CoI), Leduc, K. (CoI), Genevois, A.-S. (CoI) & Hauret, L. (CoI)
15/07/23 → 31/05/24
Project: Research
MaLaLux: Data Access Tools and Comparative Welfare Analysis using New Harmonized Microdata on Income and Consumption in Mali and Lao PDR
Van Kerm, P., Lanjouw, P., Munzi, T. & Omar, H.
1/06/23 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
LUCY - D: Luxembourg Child and Youth Dashboard
Guio, A.-C. (PI) & Marlier, E. (CoI)
15/04/23 → 15/11/23
Project: Research
IFON: Réforme de l'Impôt Foncier
Paccoud, A. (PI), Licheron, J. (CoI), Zieba-Kulawik, K. (CoI) & Bérard, G. (CoI)
1/04/23 → 29/02/24
Project: Research
LISER RSS 2023: RESCOM - LISER Research Seminar Series
Muller, A. (PI), Van Kerm, P. (CoI), Zdanowska, N. (CoI), Caruso, G. (CoI), Tatsiramos, K. (CoI), Chen, S. (CoI), Nieto Castro, A. (CoI), Gathmann, C. (CoI), Van Acker, V. (CoI), Sologon, D. (CoI), Zdanowska, N. (CoI), Chen, S. (CoI), Nix, E. (CoI), Kramarz, F. (CoI), Mollerstrom, J. (CoI), Landais, C. (CoI), Bindler, A. (CoI), Bazzi, S. (CoI), Pumain, D. (CoI), Batty, M. (CoI), Graff Zivin, J. (CoI), Jankowska, M. (CoI), Huttunen, K. (CoI), Arundel, R. (CoI), Puga, D. (CoI), Groeger, A. (CoI) & Aguila, E. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
1/01/23 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
ChildWeb3: Bien-être des enfants 2023
Bousselin, A. (PI), Bienvenue, J.-Y. (CoI), Guastalli, E. (CoI), Villeret, A. (CoI), Genevois, A.-S. (CoI), El Maslohi, A. (CoI), Guadarrama Sanz, M. (CoI), Kruten, T. (CoI) & Menta, G. (CoI)
Ministère de l'Education nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse
1/10/22 → 31/12/23
Project: Research