20 Minutes Suisse Romande : géographie économique d'un média helvétique et lémanique.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The spatial representation by media is based on a series of material and ideational conditions structuring the journalistic profession and its public on a daily basis. Media are also actors taking part into the production of territories by mediatizing a “here” and “there” in which different types of news, institutional powers and cultural identities are portrayed. They are organized by a sum of geographical borders that they reproduce or cause to evolve. Over the past 20 years, media have accompanied the growth of western metropolises : The free daily newspapers circulated in large urban areas cutting across the mosaic of inherited institutional territories. However, does this necessarily mean that this press is able to overcome the territorial borders of the past ? The research based on the analysis of 20 Minutes Switzerland aimed at the French-speaking community shows that this medium is both included in bordered territories at the scale of cantons, regions and countries and also in an urban and transitional border space reorganizing these areas. Free dailies can be considered as a medium embedded in historically fragmented territories and the large urban regions of today.
Original languageFrench
Pages (from-to)107-127
JournalStudies in Communication Sciences
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2017


  • Arc lémanique
  • consommation
  • journalisme
  • presse gratuite
  • représentation spatiale
  • économmie géographique

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