Usługi ekosystemowe i lasy na terenach silnie zurbanizowanych – potrzeby szkolenia nowych kadr w dostosowaniu do wyzwań praktyki i oczekiwań społecznych.

Translated title of the contribution: Ecosystem services and forests in highly urbanized areas - needs for training of new human resources to meet the challenges of practice and societal expectations.

Piotr Weżyk, Karolina Zięba-Kulawik, Monika Winczek, Marta Szostak, Szewczyk Grzegorz, Magdalena Swaryczewska, Paweł Tylek, Anna Klamerus-Iwan, Rafał Starzak, Barbara Olczak, Tadeusz Wojas, Rogerio Bobrowski, Jerzy Skrzyszewski, Michał Ciach, Marcin Pietrzykowski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Translated title of the contributionEcosystem services and forests in highly urbanized areas - needs for training of new human resources to meet the challenges of practice and societal expectations.
Original languagePolish
Pages (from-to)90-139
Number of pages50
JournalURBAN FOREST. Las w sąsiedztwie miast.
Publication statusPublished - 8 Dec 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Urban forests
  • Ecosystem services
  • Human Resources Management
  • challenges of urbanized areas

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