‘Green’ Building as an Urban Branding Tool: The Israeli Example

Elise Machline, David Pearlmutter, Moshe Schwartz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Over the last two decades, greenhouse gas abatement through energy conservation has become a major goal in developed countries. This challenges the building sector to become more environmentally responsible and resource-efficient, especially since it represents a large potential source of energy savings. In recognition of the benefits of green building, an increasing number of countries are devising green strategies for both public and private sector construction. Studies have examined the construction cost “premium” involved in achieving green certification, suggesting that the additional costs are relatively low, around 2% on average. Evidence indicates, however, that “green premia” in terms of rental and sales prices of properties in certified green buildings are systematically higher than 2%. Thus, making ‘green’ buildings affordable to sectors of the population which “need” it the most, will likely depend on government funding.
The present study looks at how green building is being utilized–purposefully or inadvertently–as a tool for the promotion of social and economic goals. We examine how green building, under the banner of sustainability, may in fact be fostering inequality in Israel–through a process we describe as “eco-gentrification”.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-13
JournalJournal of Earth and Environmental Sciences Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 18 Sept 2020


  • Green building
  • Israel
  • greenhouse
  • construction

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