The multi-faceted benefits of language-in-education policies in Catalonia

Ramon Caminal, Lorenzo Cappellari, Antonio Di Paolo

Research output: Other contribution

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Language is a vehicle of communication and of socio-economic interactions. There are many contexts where linguistic gaps put communication and interactions at risk, calling for policy interventions. These contexts include multilingual societies and the assimilation of migrants in destination countries. Interestingly, the benefits of language policies are not limited to situations where linguistic gaps may jeopardize communication, but exist also in multilingual contexts where communication is guaranteed by a dominant language shared throughout society. This is the lesson that comes from the Spanish region of Catalonia.(...)
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Place of PublicationEsch-sur-Alzette
Publication statusPublished - 26 Jul 2021

Publication series

NamePolicy Brief
ISSN (Electronic)2716-7437


  • benefits
  • language
  • education
  • Catalonia

LISER Collections

  • Policy Brief

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