Ernesto Reuben

  • 11, Porte des Sciences, Maison des Sciences Humaines

    L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval



Résultat de recherche par an

Profil personnel

Intérêts de recherche

Ernesto Reuben's broad research interests lie within behavioral economics and public policy. He investigates the influence of stereotypes about gender and socioeconomic status on hiring decisions and network referrals. Recently, he is also working on the use of “nudges” as a policy tool and their welfare implications.

Ernesto Reuben's research, which utilizes experiments and survey data, has been published in leading journals in the social sciences, such as the Journal of Political Economy, the American Journal of Political Science, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. He is currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization and a member of the Editorial Board of Experimental Economics. He was also elected to the Executive Committee of the Economic Science Association.

Qualification académique

Economics and business, Doctorat, University of Amsterdam

Date d'octroi: 16 févr. 2006

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