Eva Sierminska

  • 11, Porte des Sciences, Maison des Sciences Humaines

    L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval


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Intérêts de recherche

Current research interests include a broad range of topics in labor and population economics. Eva Sierminska has published papers on cross-country and demographic differences in wealth portfolios, income and wealth distribution, measurement of inequality and well-being and methodological issues in cross-country wealth analysis, as well as employment and job market flows. Eva has also worked on labor force participation and welfare recipiency of the elderly and immigrants, and the differential effect of social benefits in an international context. Recent studies concern differential wealth trajectories and the effect of wealth, risk and other personality traits on labor market outcomes and economic well-being and field specialization in economics.

Qualification académique


Collaborations et principaux domaines de recherche des cinq dernières années

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