Projets par an
Profil personnel
Intérêts de recherche
Julien Licheron is a Research Fellow in the department Urban Development and Mobility since 2009. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Rennes (France).
His main research interests are housing and real estate economics; hedonic modelling and housing valuation; identification of housing bubbles; meta-analysis and meta-regression; cross-border issues.
He was the national coordinator of the Housing Observatory ("Observatoire de l'Habitat") between 2009 and 2018. The Housing Observatory in Luxembourg is a department of the Ministry of Housing whose works have been done in collaboration with LISER since its inception in 2003. Julien Licheron mainly contributes now as a researcher in studying the evolutions of land prices, housing prices and rents.
Qualification académique
Economics and business, Doctorat, Université de Rennes 1
Collaborations et principaux domaines de recherche des cinq dernières années
HypeRent: Hyper-commodified rental housing: Emergence of short-term, shared and digitized housing products as new accumulation modes in Luxembourg.
Uyttebrouck, C. (PI), Licheron, J. (CoI), Zieba-Kulawik, K. (CoI), Gorczynska-Angiulli, M. (CoI) & Paccoud, A. (CoI)
1/01/25 → 31/12/27
Projet: Recherche
SPV_IMMO: Soutien au SPV Immo
Paccoud, A. (PI) & Licheron, J. (CoI)
1/07/24 → 30/06/25
Projet: Recherche
EUROSTAT-COMREALESTATE: Manuel for Commercial Real Estate Indicators
Licheron, J. (PI)
28/09/23 → 28/02/25
Projet: Recherche
SPIN: Spatial Economics of Income Distribution Across Borders: Drivers of Spatial Inequalities using Microsimulation
Sologon, D. (PI), O’Donoghue, C. (Non Contracting Partner), Andreoli, F. (CoI), Gerber, P. (CoI), Licheron, J. (CoI), Montes Vinas, A. (CoI) & Paccoud, A. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche
1/09/23 → 30/11/26
Projet: Recherche
CRHOUSINQ: Cross-Border mobility, HOUSing market developments, INcome Growth
Docquier, F. (PI), Licheron, J. (CoI), Paccoud, A. (CoI) & Dautel, V. (CoI)
Fonds National de la Recherche, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research LISER
1/09/22 → 31/08/25
Projet: Recherche
Estimations du taux de rendement d’un investissement locatif au Luxembourg
Licheron, J., 4 févr. 2025, 15 p. Luxembourg : Ministère du Logement - Observatoire de l'Habitat.Résultats de recherche: Autre contribution
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Le logement, une problématique transfrontalière
Paccoud, A. (Editor), Górczyńska-Angiulli, M., Zięba-Kulawik, K., Skoczylas, K., Mezaros, M., Uyttebrouck, C., Vollot, M., Lambotte, J.-M., Bernier, C., Miessner, M., Licheron, J., Fricke, C. & Cayzelle, R., 4 déc. 2024, 64 p. Esch-sur-Alzette : LISER.Résultats de recherche: Autre contribution
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Le logement en chiffres n°15 - mars 2024
Licheron, J., 27 mars 2024, 22 p. Luxembourg : STATEC - Observatoire de l'Habitat, LISER.Résultats de recherche: Autre contribution
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Le logement en chiffres n°16 au deuxième trimestre 2024 - septembre 2024
Licheron, J., 25 sept. 2024, 24 p. Luxembourg : STATEC - Observatoire de l'Habitat, LISER.Résultats de recherche: Autre contribution
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Le marché immobilier résidentiel au 1er trimestre 2024
Licheron, J., 26 juin 2024, 10 p. Luxembourg : Ministère du Logement - Observatoire de l'Habitat.Résultats de recherche: Autre contribution
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