Photo de Magdalena Gorczynska-Angiulli

Magdalena Gorczynska-Angiulli


  • 11, Porte des Sciences, Maison des Sciences Humaines

    L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval



Résultat de recherche par an

Profil personnel

Intérêts de recherche

My areas of expertise are: affordable housing, housing policy,  gentrification, social segregation and inequalities in metropolitan areas, and social mix. In particular, I'm interested in (1) residential satisfaction in affordable housing and long-term outcomes of living in affordable housing on well-being; (2) and in innovative solutions to provide decent, affordable and attractive housing to low and middle-income households, based on new models (hybrid tenures, empowerment of users/ consumers).

I authored articles in leading scientific journals (Urban Studies, Environment and Planning A. Housing Studies, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment), participated in international research and applied projects (e.g. ESPON BestMetropolises, ESPON TOWN), obtained several scholarships (French Government, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education) and awards (Foundation for Social Sciences in France; Polish Weekly Magazine POLITYKA).

Qualification académique

Social and economic geography, Doctorat, Stanislaw Leszczycki Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Scienc

Date d'octroi: 9 mars 2012

Social and economic geography, Master, University of Warsaw

Date d'octroi: 26 sept. 2006

Other social sciences, Master, University of Warsaw

Date d'octroi: 19 déc. 2005


  • G Geography (General)

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