Photo de Maria Noel Pi Alperin

Maria Noel Pi Alperin


  • 11, Porte des Sciences, Maison des Sciences Humaines

    L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval



Résultat de recherche par an

Profil personnel

Intérêts de recherche

María Noel Pi Alperin has been a tenured Research Scientist in LISER in the Living Conditions department since 2010. She holds a PhD in Economics from the Université de Montpellier (France). She has expertise in the fields of economic analysis, modelling, and the measurement of social phenomena. Her main areas of research include the measurement of health and health inequalities, equality of opportunity in health, multiple deprivation, and microsimulation. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, European Journal of Health Econo- mics, Economic Modelling, Review of Income and Wealth, and Social Indicators Research. She also has extensive experience as a team and project manager. She has been the Country Team Leader of the SHARE survey for Luxembourg since 2013. She was the Leader of the Health Research Unit in the Living Conditions department for six years. She was the principal investigator of the HEADYNAP project funded by the Luxembourg National Research Funds and the coordinator for Luxembourg within the FP7 project EuroREACH (Improved access to health care data through cross-country comparisons) funded by the European Commission. Lastly, she is currently coordinating a national project with the Ministry of Family about the needs of people with disabilities.

Qualification académique


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