Photo de Michel Tenikue

Michel Tenikue

  • 11, Porte des Sciences, Maison des Sciences Humaines

    L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval



Résultat de recherche par an

Profil personnel

Intérêts de recherche

Michel Tenikue  holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Namur (Belgium).  His is specialized in Development Economics with an emphasis on economics of education and demographic economics. He has designed and implemented impact studies in Sub-Saharan Africa and in India. His recent research investigates consequences of population dynamics on (income) inequality dynamics. He has ongoing research project on socio-economic integration of migrants in developed countries and on the incentive effects of social assistance.  Part of his work is published in World Development, Population and Development Review, Demographic research, Journal of Development studies and Journal of African Economies.

Michel Tenikue works as  ‘Research Scientist’ at  Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) and  coordinates activities of “Public Policies and Employment” priority research topic in the Labour Market Department. He has PhD supervision rights (ADR) in social sciences and in economics at the University of Luxembourg. He is also a visiting professor at IFORD. He has implement several projects on capacity building throughout Africa over the past ten years. 

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