Projets par an
Profil personnel
Intérêts de recherche
I am a health economist and health services researcher and hold a joint appointment with the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH). My main research interests lie in the area of health system performance. I am interested in specific sectors such as primary care and mental health care as well as the topic of access to health care as measured by waiting times and unmet need. Other research interests cover the organization and financing of health care including purchasing and provider payment.
I am the PI of the APPEAL (Assessing Primary Care Performance in Luxembourg) project, funded by the FNR (Luxembourg National Research Fund). I am undertaking this project in collaboration with other researchers in economics, sociology and statistics from LISER and LIH, with the mentorship of local and external senior scientists with expertise in health economics, performance assessment and international health system comparisons. I am also currently undertaking research into unmet need for health care in Luxembourg using the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) and across European countries using the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC).
I am interested in undertaking interdisciplinary research and I have collaborated with colleagues from a range of disciplines including epidemiology and public health, sociology and social policy, political science, law, management, psychology and psychiatry. I value mixed-methods research and have expertise in the quantitative analysis of administrative and survey data and in qualitative methods including case studies, document review, in-person interviews and participant observation.
I have published in various journals including Social Science and Medicine, the European Journal of Health Economics, the Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, Health Economics Policy and Law, Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, BMJ Open, the Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, Health Policy, and Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Qualification académique
Collaborations et principaux domaines de recherche des cinq dernières années
REDICO: REaL-life cANCer data epidemiology Breast Cancer
Moran, V. (PI), Faguerazzi, G. (Partner PI), Suhrcke, M. (CoI) & Pilleron, S. (Partner PI)
1/01/23 → 31/03/28
Projet: Recherche
COVALUX: COVID-19, Vaccination and Longer-term health consequences of COVID-19 in Luxembourg
Suhrcke, M. (PI), Wilmes, P. (Partner PI), Fagherazzi, G. (???upmproject.roles.upmproject.copi???), Abdelrahman, T. (CoI), Cauchie, H.-M. (CoI), Benoy, C. (CoI), De La Fuente Garcia, I. (CoI) & Moran, V. (CoI)
12/01/21 → …
Projet: Recherche
Identifying barriers to access to health care for vulnerable populations
Moran, V. (PI), Suhrcke, M. (CoI), Villeret, A. (CoI) & Vanni, L. (CoI)
18/11/24 → 31/12/24
Projet: Recherche
RELIANCE: REaL-life cANCer data epidemiology Breast Cancer
Suhrcke, M. (PI) & Moran, V. (CoI)
Luxembourg Institute of Health
1/08/22 → 31/12/24
Projet: Recherche
MOBI-HEALTH: Mobility and health implications of COVID-19: a comparison between Norway, Sweden and Luxembourg
Dijst, M. (PI), Van Acker, V. (CoI), Médard de Chardon, C. (CoI), Grimsrud, B. (Partner PI), Friman, M. (Contracting Partner), Aamodt, G. (Contracting Partner), Suhrcke, M. (CoI), Moran, V. (CoI) & Seuring, T. (CoI)
27/05/21 → 31/12/24
Projet: Recherche
Did the Referring Doctor Policy in Luxembourg make a difference to utilisation and quality of care for people with type 2 diabetes?
Moran, V. & Suhrcke, M., 14 févr. 2025, 5 p. Esch-sur-Alzette : LISER.Résultats de recherche: Autre contribution
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Le rôle de la multimorbidité et des caractéristiques socio-économiques comme facteurs de risque potentiels du Covid long
Pi Alperin, M. N., Ruiz-Castell, M. & Moran, V., 24 sept. 2024, 5 p. Esch-sur-Alzette : LISER.Résultats de recherche: Autre contribution
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Performance Comparison and Socio-Economic Inequalities in Unmet Need for Medical Treatment and Dental Care in the European Union
Riganti, A., Moran, V. & Siciliani, L., 27 août 2024, Contributions to Economic Analysis : Recent Developments in Health Econometrics. Baltagi, B. H. & Moscone, F. (eds.). Emerald Publishing Limited, p. 55-83 29 p. (Contributions to Economic Analysis; Vol 297).Résultats de recherche: Le chapitre dans un livre, un rapport, une anthologie ou une collection › Chapter › Revue par des pairs
The impact of patient registration on utilisation and quality of care: a propensity score matching and staggered difference-in-differences analysis of a cohort of 16,775 people with type 2 diabetes
Moran, V., Bia, M., Thill, P., Suhrcke, M., Nolte, E., Burlot, E. & Fagherazzi, G., 12 juil. 2024, Dans: BMC Primary Care. 25, 1, 254.Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal › Article › Revue par des pairs
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Exploring the association between primary care efficiency and health system characteristics across European countries: a two-stage data envelopment analysis
Moran, V., Suhrcke, M. & Nolte, E., 4 déc. 2023, Dans: BMC Health Services Research. 23, 1348, 1348.Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal › Article › Revue par des pairs
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