Assessing the Evolution of Skill and Task content of Occupations

Détails du projet


The project aims to analyse the evolution of skill and task content of occupations using the Répertoire Opérationnel des Métiers et des Emplois (ROME) and the EU-Labour Force Surveys (EU-LFS). ROME is a dictionary of the existing jobs in France, and it is updated every 3-4 months since October 2016 by the French Public Employment Service, Pôle Emploi. The analysis will proceed in four steps: (1) I will create a skill and task taxonomy using machine-learning techniques. (2) I will compare the first version of ROME (October 2017) with its latest available version (currently Octobre 2020) to highlight the new and obsolete skills and tasks, by occupations, sectors of activity and educational requirement. (3) I will create an index of skill and task content evolution at the occupations level that I will merge with the EU-LFS to estimate how many workers are affected by these changes. (4) I will analyse whether workers affected by skill and task content evolution have similar characteristics.
Les dates de début/date réelle1/01/2231/12/24


  • Fonds National de la Recherche