Détails du projet
This project supposed a survey (with its design and using) concerning cross-border workers mobility. The questionnaire includes information relating to: (i) spatial practices (in daily mobility and residential mobility), (ii) energy attitudes (with open and closed questions), (iii) as well as socio-demographic characteristics of this population. With a reference basis of 130 300 cross-border workers included in the administrative database from IGSS (Inspection Générale de la Sécurité Sociale, Social Security from Luxembourg), we selected a sample of 40,000 people (contacted by postal mail) spatially stratified in 25 zones in France, Germany and Belgium. The first phase of the Cross-border Mobility Survey was happening at the end of autumn 2010 with a response rate of more than 18% (7,235 respondents).This first questionnaire was about journey to work and the activity chains during a week-day. A second phase was necessary to improve our results concerning spatial practices, with mobility and energetic attitudes. Another questionnaire has been sent to the respondents with a new response rate of more than 51%. Among the various analyzes, we detail here the interactions that emerge between the practices of daily mobility and energy attitudes. To do this, some indicators were created to cross and explain them in statistic and probabilistic models. The energy attitudes were captured by two complementary methods, (i) the psychometric scale developed by Likert (1932) which provides access to an attitude of individuals based on their degree of agreement or disagreement with a statement and (ii) the method of free association (Abric, 2003), which has many advantages: spontaneous answers, words full of meaning directly accessible without being flooded in a speech production. For the main results, see the publication list.
L'acronyme | CABaC |
statut | Fini |
Les dates de début/date réelle | 1/01/10 → 31/12/12 |