The GG is on the road again! De GG ass erem ennerwee!

Détails du projet


Seizing the opportunity of the PSP Classic project "The GG goes' round! De GG geet ronderëm!" (2019-2020), we have collected exploratory data from a young segment of the population allowing us to measure the immediate impact of the GG in terms of gender awareness and science awareness. Starting from these exploratory data on the one hand, from our solid experience of working in direct contact with the public, on the other hand, the objective of the project is to technologically develop (LIST) the GG in order to optimize it and strengthen its scientific development. The latter consists in using the GG as a social experiment to collect data on gender stereotypes in an innovative way (gamification) in order to create new knowledge about gender stereotypes.
statutEn cours d'exécution
Les dates de début/date réelle1/01/2231/12/24


  • Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research LISER