Change in Artificial Land Use over time across European Cities: A rescaled radial perspective

Paul Kilgarriff, Rémi Lemoy, Geoffrey Caruso

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à une conférenceAbstractRevue par des pairs

37 Téléchargements (Pure)


This paper presents the first evidence, using radial analysis of 292 European cities that artificial land use within a rescaled distance of ~ 20km (using London as a reference) to the city centre is decreasing on average across Europe. This is contrasted with further expansion and increase in artificial land use in the suburbs and periphery areas. This finding has important implications relating to the sustainability of our cities as the evidence is pointing to increasing urban sprawl and lower urban centre living. A rescaling component is utilised in the analysis, along with radial profiles to enable comparisons between cities of different populations.
langue originaleAnglais
Nombre de pages6
étatPublié - 2019
EvénementGeographical Information Science Research UK - Newcastle University, Newcastle, Royaume-Uni
Durée: 23 avr. 201926 avr. 2019

Une conférence

Une conférenceGeographical Information Science Research UK
Titre abrégéGISRUK
La villeNewcastle
Adresse Internet

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