Firm-Level Technology Adoption in Times of Crisis

Melanie Arntz, Michael Böhm, Georg Graetz, Terry Gregory, Florian Lehmer, Cäcilia Lipowski

Résultats de recherche: Papier de travailWorking paper


This study investigates how crises affect firms’ adoption of frontier technologies using the Covid-19 pandemic as a case study. The analysis tracks the nature, timing, and pandemic-related motivations of investments among German firms, using longitudinal survey data linked with administrative worker–firm records. We find clear evidence for a shift toward remote work technologies that helped firms mitigate negative employment effects. Overall, however, the pandemic slowed down the diffusion of new technologies. This procyclical pattern of technology adoption is particularly striking since the pandemic created strong incentives to experiment with new technologies.
langue originaleAnglais
ÉditeurCentre for European Economic research (ZEW)
Nombre de pages68
étatPublié - sept. 2024

Série de publications

NomZEW Discussion Papers
EditeurZEW – Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung

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