Integrating shared autonomous vehicles and public transport with dynamic pricing and elastic demand: a simulation study

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à une conférenceAbstractRevue par des pairs


Developing multimodal centered solutions based on mobility-as-a-service concept is one of the main strategic measures of future mobility solutions. This measure suggests promoting a user-centered and flexible mobility service by an integrated system with both public and private transport based on
real-time information and communication technologies. With the progress in autonomous vehicle (AV) technology, it is expected to further enhance seamless multimodal mobility by using AVs as a feeder for access to public transit. However, the issues related to business models and its operational policy design for integrated demand responsive transport service using AVs still need to be developed.
langue originaleAnglais
étatPublié - 2019
EvénementEuropean Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography - Mondorf-Les-Bains, Mondorf-Les-Bains, Luxembourg
Durée: 5 sept. 20199 sept. 2019

Une conférence

Une conférenceEuropean Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography
Titre abrégéECTQG
La villeMondorf-Les-Bains
Adresse Internet
  • ECTQG2019: Europea, Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography

    Caruso, G. (PI), Gerber, P. (CoI), Klein, O. (CoI), Perchoux, C. (CoI), Jones, K. (CoI), Batty, M. (CoI), Benenson, I. (CoI), Charlton, M. (CoI), Murgante, B. (CoI), Pinto, N. (CoI), Pumain, D. (CoI), Rozenblat, C. (CoI), Shearmur, R. (CoI), Teller, J. (CoI), Thill, J.-C. (CoI), Verhetsel, A. (CoI), White, R. (CoI), Anselin, L. (Non Contracting Partner), Arcaute, E. (Non Contracting Partner), Thomas, I. (Non Contracting Partner) & Fabrikant, S. (Non Contracting Partner)


    Projet: Recherche

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