Linking forms of inbound open innovation to a driver-based typology of environmental innovation: Evidence from French manufacturing firms.

Jason Li-Ying, Caroline Mothe, Thuc Uyen Nguyen-Thi

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalArticleRevue par des pairs


Environmental innovation (EI) research has not yet clarified how different forms of inbound innovation might exert effects. The current article proposes four driver-based EI types according to two main dimensions: compliance versus voluntary and own value capture versus customer value capture. With a problem-solving perspective, we develop links from different forms of inbound innovation to various types of EI, and test the related hypotheses with two waves of the French Community Innovation Survey. On a short-term basis, R&D cooperation and technology acquisition correlate positively with all four types of EI, but over time, persistent R&D cooperation and technology acquisition are associated with EI only at the production stage, according to voluntary/strategic or compliance drivers. Inbound innovation enables quick responses to market demands for EI in the final use stage.
langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)51-63
journalTechnological Forecasting and Social Change
Date de mise en ligne précoce1 janv. 2017
Les DOIs
étatPublié - oct. 2018

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