Long term care workforce: Employment and working conditions - Luxembourg

Titre traduit de la contribution: La main-d'œuvre des soins de longue durée : Emploi et conditions de travail

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The long-term care (LTC) sector employs a growing share of workers in the EU and is experiencing increasing staff shortages. The LTC workforce is mainly female and a relatively large and increasing proportion is aged 50 years or older. Migrants are often concentrated in certain LTC jobs. This report maps the LTC workforce’s working conditions and the nature of employment and role of collective bargaining in the sector. It also discusses policies to make the sector more attractive, combat undeclared work and improve the situation of a particularly vulnerable group of LTC workers: live-in carers. The report ends with a discussion and policy pointers on addressing expected staff shortages and the challenges around working conditions.
Titre traduit de la contributionLa main-d'œuvre des soins de longue durée : Emploi et conditions de travail
langue originaleAnglais
titreLong term care workforce: Employment and working conditions
rédacteurs en chef Eurofound
Lieu de publicationLuxembourg
EditeurPublications Office of the European Union
ISBN (Electronique)978-92-897-2127-1
ISBN (imprimé)978-92-897-2128-8
étatPublié - 14 déc. 2020

Série de publications

NomAd Hoc Report - Public Services


  • long term care
  • working force
  • employment

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