O impacto económico potencial das diásporas

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This chapter reviews the economic literature on the impacts of the diaspora on emigration countries of origin. The main channels by which emigrants can have an impact on the country of origin are discussed: remittances, foreign direct investment, trade and the transfer of knowledge. The chapter also reviews indirect economic effects of the diaspora on the country of origin, in particular through social remittances and influence on governance.
Titre traduit de la contributionThe potential economic impact of diasporas
langue originalePortugais (Brésil)
titrePotencial Económico da Diáspora
rédacteurs en chefInês Vidigal, Rui Pena Pires
Lieu de publicationLisboa
EditeurObservatorio da Emigração, CIES-Iscte
ISBN (Electronique)978-972-8048-92-1
Les DOIs
étatPublié - 18 oct. 2024

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