SEI Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19: Collecting the data

Martin Dijst (Editor), Conchita D'Ambrosio, Veronique Van Acker, Philippe Van Kerm, Ludivine Martin, Sam Cosaert, Irina Gewinner, Luise Görges, Marc Suhrcke, Till Seuring, Clause Vögele

Résultats de recherche: Livre/rapportautre rapport

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The Socio-Economic Impact (SEI) project focuses on data collection to support research on the short- and medium-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and related (de)confinement measures in Luxembourg on individuals and their households in terms of work and living conditions, daily activities and mobility, and (not directly COVID-19 related) health and health behaviours. To that purpose, a large-scale survey has been developed which forms the basis for monitoring the impact of the outbreak and associated policy measures on (a) work and living conditions, (b) daily activities and mobility, (c) time use and household interactions and (d) health and health behaviours. This report descibes the design and implementation of the first wave of the survey and the descriptive results per thematic module. Multivariate analyses of the data of the first wave will be put central in various thematic papers which will be published this yar and the years thereafter.

1. Introduction - Martin Dijst and Conchita d'Ambrosio p. 5
2. Design and implementation of the Socio-Economic Impact Survey - Veronique Van Acker and Philippe Van Kerm p. 9
3. Work and living conditions - Philippe Van Kerm and Ludivine Martin p. 17
4. Daily activities and mobility - Veronique Van Acker p. 31
5. Time allocation and the distribution of unpaid work in families - Sam Cosaert, Irina Gewinner and Luise Görges p. 51
6. Health and health behaviours - Marc Suhrcke, Till Seuring and Clause Vögele p. 61
7. Conclusions and discussion - Martin Dijst and Conchita d’Ambrosio p.69
8. Appendix 73
langue originaleAnglais
Lieu de publicationEsch-sur-Alzette
Nombre de pages124
étatPublié - 18 mars 2021

Série de publications

NomLes rapports du LISER
ISSN (Electronique)2716-747X

Une note bibliographique

This research is part of the SEI project supported by the Luxembourg 'Fonds National de la Recherche' (contract 14704944/SEI) and by core funding for LISER from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research of Luxembourg.

Collections du LISER

  • Les rapports du LISER

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