Special Issue "High Mobility Dealing with High Mobility and Related Rhythms"

Guillaume Drevon, Vincent Kaufmann

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalNuméro spécialRevue par des pairs


For several years high mobility has been growing in Europe, dependent upon transport accessibility and ICTS development (Schneider and Collet 2010; Viry, Ravalet, and Kaufmann 2015). High mobility takes different forms and is motivated by several purposes. Labor market access and career achievement constitute the mains purposes, which generates two main forms of high mobility. High commuters are characterized by daily longe distance commuting. Bi- or multiresidentiality refers to people who live in one city and work in another. As suggest surveys on this phenomenon, the high mobility practices depend on one’s life course. Depending on their employment and career achievement needs all along their life course, people will practice high mobility. Family events such as the birth of a child, marriage or separation influence the practice of high mobility, depending on family negotiation and social constraints (Viry and Vincent-Geslin 2015). These configurations of high mobility generate stress on individuals, trouble in family–work balance, and gendered inequalities (Viry, Vincent-Geslin, and Kaufmann 2015). High mobility generates a specific type of life rhythm which is characterized by significant time spent in transport and a desynchronization between the highly mobile individual and their family, partner, and more broadly, the members of their social network. High mobility requires high abilities in social time management and negotiation. Facing high mobility and rhythms, individuals and their families develop strategies basing on several kinds of resources (Drevon 2019). These strategies allow individuals to adapt to the rhythm imposed by the situation of high mobility. From this perspective, this Special Issue aims to understand the limits of high mobility acceptability, necessary resources, and strategies. In this Special Issue, we are looking to publish papers that critically investigate the high mobility, effects on life rhythms, well-being, and gendered inequalities from a range of theoretical, methodological, and disciplinary perspectives.
langue originaleAnglais
étatPublié - oct. 2020
Modification externeOui

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