The co-mingling of bordering dynamics in the San Diego-Tijuana cross-border metropolis

Lawrence a. Herzog, Christophe Sohn

Résultats de recherche: Papier de travailWorking paper

299 Téléchargements (Pure)


The focus of this paper is on the processes of debordering and rebordering and more specifically on what is happening when both forces encounter and confront their different interests. The hypothesis developed is that the two bordering dynamics are not only contesting each other, they also interact and co-mingle. An analytical framework based on the functional, structural and symbolic dimensions of borders is developed in order to generate hypotheses about how the co-mingling of the two forces takes place specifically on the ground. The case of San Diego-Tijuana demonstrates that the cross-border metropolis in the making is constantly changing and reinventing itself through the encounter of debordering and rebordering and the nesting of one category inside the other.
langue originaleAnglais
Nombre de pages22
étatPublié - 2016

Série de publications

NomWorking Papers

Collections du LISER

  • Les working papers du Liser

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