Las características del adulto mayor peruano y las políticas de protección social

Javier Olivera, Jhonatan Clausen

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalArticleRevue par des pairs

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The first goal of this paper is to analyze recent socio-economic characteristics of old-age people in Peru, with emphasis on poverty and social exclusion. For this, we use the National Household survey (Enaho) of year 2011 and find that the majority of the extreme poor elderly are living in the rural area. Furthermore, only 1% of the elderly living in extreme poverty receives a pension benefit and a vast majority of them live in one or two-person households, which intensify their vulnerabi-lity. The second goal is to review the most important social and economic policies towards old-age in Peru. And finally, we review the literature and policies for the elderly implemented in other countries with the aim to describe their most relevant impacts. Overall, our document might be a useful input to think and propose new policies towards old-age people in Peru based on evidences. Keywords: social policy, economics of the elderly, social security.
Titre traduit de la contributionThe elderly and social protection policies in Peru
langue originaleEspagnol
Pages (de - à)75-113
Numéro de publication73
étatPublié - juin 2014
Modification externeOui

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