Changes in US Contrail Outbreaks before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Project Details


Despite of rapid assessments of the effects of COVID-19 on contrails and climate, no studies have determined a direct link between reduced aviation activities, contrail outbreaks, and relevant upper-troposphere (UT) meteorological factors at a local scale of space and time during COVID-19. This research project will delve into contrail formation patterns and their relationships with surrounding meteorological conditions on an individual flight and contrail incidence level, yet simultaneously covering a large geographical extent (e.g., on a continental scale) by employing accurate and precise flight tracking data as well as automated satellite image processing using 'deep learning.'
Effective start/end date1/09/2231/08/24


  • Contrail detection
  • Climate change mitigation
  • Climate change
  • Computer vision
  • Atmospheric science