Assessment of the 2008-2010 National Reform Programmes for Growth and Jobs from a social inclusion perspective: The extent of synergies between growth and jobs policies and social inclusion policies

Hugh Frazer, Eric Marlier

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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In October 2008, EU countries submitted their 2008-2010 National Reform Programmes for Growth and Jobs (NRPs), which included a report on the implementation of the previous (2005-2008) NRPs. Each member of the EU Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion has prepared an assessment of his/her Member State's 2008-2010 NRP from a feeding in and feeding out perspective. A Synthesis Report was then prepared by the Network Core Team (NCT), which presents an overview of the main findings drawn from these 27 experts' assessment reports and suggests core lessons across the European Union.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages74
Publication statusPublished - 2008

Publication series

NameEuropean Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion

LISER Collections

  • European Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion

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