Presentation: Special Issue of ECONOMÍA “Economic Inequality and Redistribution Policies”

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The analysis of income inequality has attracted increasing interest over the last decade among economists and policymakers alike. Income inequality may be socially tolerable, if not even desirable, when is the consequence of choices that people make, such as their labour supply decisions, and those choices are rewarded equitably by the market. Inequality could be a concern when it arises from factors beyond individual control: the country and political situation one experiences, the social context, the neighbourhood and the family of origin. While advanced welfare and education systems in developed economies may compensate for these differences, high-income inequality and high inequality of opportunity remain defining traits of low- or middle-income economies. Perceptions about inequality play an important role in determining the political support towards redistribution of production factors and income. Understanding individual motives in support or against redistribution is crucial for understanding the political support to policies addressing unequal opportunities
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Issue number90
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022


  • economic inequality
  • redistribution policies
  • Income inequality

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