Unlocking the Influence of Work Environment: How Company Size and Industry Shape Parental Leave Choices.

Research output: Other contribution


This blog is based on an article in the Journal of Social Policy by Marie Valentova, Anissa Amjahad and Anne-Sophie Genevois.

In Luxembourg, the likelihood of mothers and fathers taking parental leave is substantially lower in very small companies compared to larger firms. Mothers working in predominantly female-dominated sectors like education, health, and social services are more inclined to take parental leave than those in other industries. The partner’s workplace characteristics also play a role, with fathers being influenced by their partner’s economic sector, while mothers’ decisions are linked to their partner’s workplace size (...°
Original languageEnglish
TypeThe Companion Blog to the Journal of Social Policy, Social Policy and Society and the Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy
Media of outputThe Social Policy Blog
PublisherThe Social Policy Blog
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jun 2023


  • social policy
  • parental leave
  • employers

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