A shared frailty semi-parametric markov renewal model for travel and activity time-use pattern analysis

Tai-Yu Ma, Iragaël Joly, Charles Raux

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à une conférencePaperRevue par des pairs


This study investigates the influence of observed explanatory factors and unobserved random effect (heterogeneity) on episode durations of travel-activity chain. A shared frailty semiparametric proportional hazard model is proposed to estimate the transition hazard of travel/activity states. The proposed model is applied on the travel and activity episode duration analysis during evening work-to-home commute using the household travel survey data collected in the city of Lyon in France in 2005-2006. The empirical results provide useful insights for the determinants of travel and activity episode durations for evening work-to-home commute.
langue originaleAnglais
Nombre de pages19
étatPublié - 2010
Modification externeOui
Evénement12th World Conference on Transport Research - Lisbon, Portugal
Durée: 11 juil. 201015 juil. 2010

Une conférence

Une conférence12th World Conference on Transport Research
La villeLisbon

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