Entropy methods for identifying hedonic models.

Arnaud Dupuy, Alfred Galichon, Marc Henry

    Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalArticleRevue par des pairs


    This paper contributes to the literature on hedonic models in two ways. First, it makes use of Queyranne's reformulation of a hedonic model in the discrete case as a network flow problem in order to provide a proof of existence and integrality of a hedonic equilibrium and efficient computation of hedonic prices. Second, elaborating on entropic methods developed in Galichon and Salanié (Cupid's invisible hand: social surplus and identification in matching models. Working Paper, 2014), this paper proposes a new identification strategy for hedonic models in a single market. This methodology allows one to introduce heterogeneities in both consumers' and producers' attributes and to recover producers' profits and consumers' utilities based on the observation of production and consumption patterns and the set of hedonic prices.
    langue originaleAnglais
    Pages (de - à)405-416
    Nombre de pages0
    journalMathematics and Financial Economics
    Les DOIs
    étatPublié - 1 janv. 2014

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