Google Earth Engine (GEE)

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The Google Earth Engine (GEE) is a cloud computing platform designed primarily for the analysis of vast remote sensing datasets, which are already counted in petabytes. GEE servers mainly collect archived public Earth observation satellite data recorded by satellites over the last 40 years. An up-to-date list of geodata made available free of charge (for non-commercial purposes) is available to users on the GEE website. The chapter discusses the GEE interface and modules along with our own application examples.
langue originalePolonais
titreDane satelitarne dla administracji publicznej
Lieu de publicationKrakow
EditeurPolish Space Agency
Nombre de pages5
ISBN (Electronique) 978-83-945436-3-1
ISBN (imprimé)978-83-945436-2-4
étatPublié - 2020
Modification externeOui

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