Impact of Everyday Weather on Individual Daily Travel Behaviours in Perspective: A Literature Review

Lars Böcker, Martin Dijst, Jan Prillwitz

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalReview articleRevue par des pairs

159 Citations (Scopus)


In the light of growing societal interest for climate change adaptation and mitigation, insights into the meaning of weather conditions for travel behaviours-particularly walking and cycling-have become very important. Recently, various studies from transport, health and biometeorological disciplines have touched upon the relevance of weather for daily activities and travel, yet a review and critical assessment of the existing knowledge are lacking. Hence, the aim of this review is first to bring together these contributions and provide a systematic and comprehensive overview concerning the impact of weather conditions on daily travel activities. Second, the methodological, contextual and behavioural backgrounds of the studies will be discussed. The major conclusion is that the existing studies present an incomplete and fragmented picture of the impact of weather on travel behaviour, which makes effective planning for climate change a harsh job. In the conclusions, some lines for future research will be recommended.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)71-91
Nombre de pages21
journalTransport Reviews
Numéro de publication1
Les DOIs
étatPublié - janv. 2013
Modification externeOui

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