Life-oriented travel behavior research: an overview.

Junyi Zhang, Veronique Van acker

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalArticleRevue par des pairs


This special issue argues the importance of a paradigm shift from traditional approaches to the life-oriented approach for a better understanding of travel behavior and for better supporting cross-sectoral transport policymaking. The life-oriented approach focuses on the interdependencies between life choices, and for travel behavior analysis, it not only considers travel behavior as the results from various life choices, but also the reverse relationship of travel behavior influencing life choices. Here, first, we introduce the life-oriented approach in general, and then apply it to travel behavior research. Second, we summarize the findings from ten papers included in this special issue. These ten papers deal with topics such as commuting, 'peak car' phenomenon, travel mode choice, residential biography, holiday travel behavior, and happiness. Evidence is presented mainly from developed countries, but with an exception from China. Each paper presents unique and innovative efforts. Finally, we discuss several important future research challenges.
langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)167-178
journalTransportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice
Les DOIs
étatPublié - 23 août 2017

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