State Aid to Social Enterprises: the Polish Case

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Social enterprises build trust among themselves by using business ethics to guide them. The aim of reducing social inequality, through the inclusion of local businesses, not only brings the benefit of inclusion but also reduces the cost of social inequality. In a similar vein to the governments of other member states, the Polish government is attempting to create a single legal framework, whereby social enterprises are promoted. However, there is a lack of discussion with regard to drafting a framework on social enterprises. The authors recommend a bottom-up approach as regards the formulating of State aid policy at the national level. Financial cooperation between the State and local authorities would help to solve many urgent matters. This paper discusses the degree of importance of State aid for Polish social enterprises. There are differences in the extent of State aid granted to sectors of the economy, as well as differing legal requirements. It is posited that there is a discrepancy between those social enterprises which attract more and those which attract less State aid.
langue originaleAnglais
Numéro d'article491
Pages (de - à)479
Nombre de pages13
journalEuropean State Aid Law Quarterly
Numéro de publication4
étatPublié - 2015
Modification externeOui

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