Step-to-step transition cost during gait increases with age in a healthy population

Juliette Van Beek, Han Houdijk, Rob Den Otter, Claudine Lamoth

Résultats de recherche: Le chapitre dans un livre, un rapport, une anthologie ou une collectionConference contributionRevue par des pairs


1. Introduction
Muscle strength declines with age and this is accompanied by changes in gait mechanics. A typical change that has been observed is the distal to proximal redistribution of joint work, from a dominancy of ankle work to hip joint work [1]. This redistribution might result in an increase in the external work performed on the center of mass (CoM) for the step-to-step transition in walking and concomitant increase in energy cost of walking [2].

2. Research question
In this study we investigated the changes in external mechanical work during step-to-step transition and single support of walking over the lifespan. It was hypothesized that, as a result from the distal-to-proximal redistribution of joint work, push off work in the trailing leg work would decrease and leading leg collision work during the step-to-step transition would increase with age, while single support work would increase with age.

3. Methods
Seventy-four healthy adults, uniformly distributed over the age range between 18 and 79 yr, walked on a dual belt instrumented treadmill with a split belt protocol of which the two tight belt baseline speeds (0.7 and 1.4 m/s) were analyzed for the purpose of this study. External mechanical work on the CoM was calculated separately for the single support (SS) and step-to-step (S2S) transition phases [3]. Linear regression analyses were performed to investigate the effect of age on external mechanical work during step-to-step and single support phases.

4. Results
Positive push off work during step-to-step transition decreased with age (1.4 m s−1: −0.102 J/year p = .05, .7 m s−1 -0.088 J/year p = .007), while negative collision work increased with age (1.4 m s−1: −0.191 J/year p < .001, .7 m s−1: −0.052 J/year p = .007). Concurrently, single support work increased with age (1.4 m s−1: +0.286 J/year p ​< ​.001, .7 m ​s−1: +0.113 J/year p ​= ​.007)
langue originaleAnglais
titreESMAC 2021 Abstracts
Nombre de pages2
Les DOIs
étatPublié - oct. 2021
Modification externeOui
EvénementAnnual Meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children 2021 -
Durée: 14 oct. 202115 oct. 2021

Série de publications

NomGait & Posture
ISSN (Electronique)0966-6362

Une conférence

Une conférenceAnnual Meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children 2021
Titre abrégéESMAC 2021
Adresse Internet

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