Unemployment insurance in europe: Unemployment duration and subsequent employment stability

Konstantinos Tatsiramos

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalArticleRevue par des pairs


This paper provides evidence on the effect of unemployment insurance on unemployment and subsequent employment duration in Europe using individual data from the European Com-munity Household Panel. Country-specific estimates based on a multivariate discrete-time duration model, which takes into account dynamic selection issues and the endogeneity of benefit receipt, suggest that although receiving benefits has an adverse effect in the sense of increasing unemployment duration, there is also a positive effect associated with the increased duration of subsequent employment. This beneficial effect of unemployment insurance on employment stability is pronounced in countries with relatively generous benefit systems, and for recipients who have remained unemployed for at least six months. These findings are in line with theories that suggest a matching effect of unemployment insurance.
langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)1225-1260
Nombre de pages36
journalJournal of the European Economic Association
Numéro de publication6
Les DOIs
étatPublié - déc. 2009
Modification externeOui

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