Using Economic Freedom Indexes As Policy Indicators: an intercontinental example.

Zane A. Spindler, Xavier de Vanssay, Vincent Hildebrand

    Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalArticleRevue par des pairs


    We use time-series cross-section analysis to provide empirical validation for the existence of a specific American ethos and a specific European ethos with respect to economic policy. In our innovation, economic policy is proxied by “economic freedom” from the Fraser Institute database and constitutional “political institutions” are proxied by variables from the Database of Political Institutions (from the World Bank). Our results suggest that, once we control for political and institutional differences, the United States and Europe still pursue different economic policies.
    langue originaleAnglais
    Pages (de - à)195-214
    Nombre de pages20
    journalPublic Organization Review
    Numéro de publication3
    Les DOIs
    étatPublié - 1 janv. 2008

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