What's a univesity worth? Changes in the lifestyle and status of post-2000 European Graduates

Mihaela cornelia Prejmerean, Simona Vasilache

Résultats de recherche: Papier de travailWorking paper

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The paper is structured in two main chapters, the first presenting a literature review on lifestyle, underlining the main themes approached in recent scientific papers, and conducting factorial analysis as to discriminate the most relevant research directions, and the second dedicated to studying, on the data provided by the European Social Survey, the lifestyle patterns of post-2000 European graduates. The methodological perspective included probit regression and log-linear models, as well as cluster analysis. The main results refer to testing the concept of lifestyle calibration, that we proposed in the paper, on the selected population of young European graduates. A total of four groups, two exhibiting a good lifestyle calibration, and the other two a poor lifesyle calibration, were obtained. Each family of two groups constitutes a lifestyle type, which is characterized in the paper according to values-behaviours coordination, time allocation and its relation to life satisfaction, defined as an estimator of lifestyle calibration. The conclusions include discussions on the inclusion and exclusion of the European graduates population from these groups, which resulted from our analysis.
langue originaleAnglais
Nombre de pages28
étatPublié - 2008
Modification externeOui

Série de publications

NomIRISS Working Papers

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