Wykorzystanie teledetekcji w ocenie wielkości uszkodzeń drzewostanów na przykładzie nawałnicy z 2017 roku

Piotr Weżyk, Paweł Hawryło, Karolina Zięba-Kulawik

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In recent decades, global climate change has been observed in Poland more and more clearly, and its impacts have been becoming more and more severe for the natural environment and forest management in areas affected by extreme atmospheric phenomena. Natural disasters caused by storms (hurricanes, tornados) can affected large forest areas and may emerge in a very short time.
Titre traduit de la contributionThe use of remote sensing for damage assessment in stands after the storm of 2017
langue originalePolonais
titreZastosowanie geoinformatyki w leśnictwie
EditeurInstytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
Nombre de pages10
ISBN (imprimé) 978-83-62830-81-7
étatPublié - 2020
Modification externeOui

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