Modelling Social Entreprises

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The majority of research concentrates exclusively on the objectives of governments, profit entities or non-profit organizations, while a significant number of organizations are hybrids. One form of these hybrids is the social enterprise. This paper theoretically describes social enterprises taking into consideration their main aims. Based on the ‘earned income’ school of thought, the principal-agent theory and considering the nature of social enterprises’ activities we propose the objective functions of their owners (principals) and managers (agents). The maximization problem of the social enterprise is defined as the weighted average of the utilities of two groups of stakeholders who have an influence on the degree of the realization of the social mission and business orientations. We point out the direction which social enterprises should follow in order to obtain the highest value of their objective functions. The desired state for social enterprises should be one in which they reinvest all surpluses in the process of their mission realization and their profit is slightly higher than the required level by the principal's contract.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)501-527
JournalAnnals of Public and Cooperative Economics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 8 Feb 2016
Externally publishedYes

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