Einbürgerung (junger) Migranten: Katalysator oder Belohnung für gelungene Integration?

Christina Gathmann, Ole Monscheuer

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalArticle


International migration has increased considerably in recent decades. Children with a migration background are the fastest growing population group in many industrialized countries and will shape societies in the future. Successful integration of the children of immigrants is therefore essential for receiving countries. Can naturalization be part of the integration process? Or should it rather be seen as a “reward” for successful integration? And could the birthplace principle prove to be a catalyst for integration?
Titre traduit de la contributionNaturalization of (Young) Migrants: Catalyst or Reward for Successful Integration?
langue originaleAllemand
Pages (de - à)3-9
journalifo Schnelldienst
Numéro de publication11
étatPublié - nov. 2020

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