Exploring the volumetrics relationship between urban greening and build-up using voxel-based approach: a city-level analysis

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The rapid growth of the global urban population causes the dynamic
development of cities, and hence the re-composition of urban green
spaces, which are increasingly coming under pressure. Therefore urban
space must be appropriately shaped to be as resident-friendly as possible. Particular attention needs to be paid to urban vegetation, which is
an essential component of a suitable quality of life. Research has often
relied on two-dimensional (2D) mapping of urban vegetation using remote
sensing imagery and vegetation indicators, where greenery is evenly
distributed regardless of the cubature. However, vegetation’s spatial and
vertical structure varies, and the layers often overlap.
The study aims to investigate the spatial relationship between the volume
of vegetation and buildings in the rapidly developing Luxembourg City.
We proposed 3D spatial indices: Vegetation 3D Density Index (V3DI) and
Vegetation Volume to Building Volume (VV2BV). The 3D indices can assist
in future recommendations for supporting the city districts’ sustainable
development and presenting the current state of liveability. The vegetation
volume was calculated using airborne laser scanning point clouds (ALS
LiDAR) processed into voxels (0.5 m). The volume of the buildings was
calculated based on the results of 3D ALS LiDAR point cloud modeling. We
compared the results of 3D GIS spatial analyses with population statistics
to determine the residents’ environmental situation as an essential component of the quality of life and to indicate possible deficits of vegetation
in urban space. Proposed spatial indices were estimated for districts and
cadastral parcels in a cell grid of 100 m and for each building individually,
using a 100 m buffer.
We found that in 2019, urban forests covered 1.689 ha of Luxembourg
City, accounting for 33% of the entire administrative area. The 3D GIS
analyses show that the total volume of vegetation (> 1.0 m above ground)
was about 40 million m³, equating to 328 m³ of greenery per resident. The
value of V3DI reached a level of 0.77 m³/m². The overall VV2BV(%) index
calculated for Luxembourg was 41.6%. Only five districts of Luxembourg
were characterised by a high value for the VV2BV index, which indicates
that areas with a high level of green infrastructure contribute to health
and a better quality of life.
langue originaleAnglais
étatPublié - 23 mai 2023
EvénementEuropean Forum on Urban Forestry: URBAN FORESTS AS NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS - Krakow, Pologne
Durée: 23 mai 202325 mai 2023
Numéro de conférence: 25

Une conférence

Une conférenceEuropean Forum on Urban Forestry
Titre abrégé EFUF2023
La villeKrakow
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