Photo de Konrad Skoczylas

Konrad Skoczylas


  • 11, Porte des Sciences, Maison des Sciences Humaines

    L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval



Résultat de recherche par an

Profil personnel

Intérêts de recherche

Konrad Skoczylas is a data analyst with a main interest in remote sensing and LiDAR applications.

Since joining Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research  in 2009, Konrad has been working on different projects in the Urban Development and Mobility department. He is deeply involved in Housing Observatory project maintained by LISER and the Ministry of Housing in Luxembourg where he detects potential land changes over time and land consumption for housing as well as analyzes residential densities.

In the framework of the SusDens project founded by FRS-FNRS-FNR he focuses on spatiotemporal changes in three-dimensional structure of the URBAN SYSTEM, 3D building density and 3D vegetation.

He is interested in smart, resilient and green cities modeling and development, land surface temperature RS measure in built-up environments, Google Earth application for urban studies and vegetation, Urban Forest, city ‘’ventilation’’ and air pollution.

He develops at LISER a Lux-SmartGrowth tool to automatically measure  buildings heights directly from LiDAR data.

Qualification académique

Environmental engineering, Master, University of Agriculture in Krakow

Date d'octroi: 10 janv. 2002


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