Mental health effects of same-sex marriage legalization

Shuai Chen, Jan C. van Ours

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalArticleRevue par des pairs


Same-sex marriage legalization (SSML) is a typical anti-discrimination policy to remove institutional discrimination against sexual minorities by providing them with marriage equality. We examine how this legalization in the Netherlands affected mental health. Conducting a difference-in-differences analysis with heterosexual individuals as a reference group, we find that SSML significantly improved mental health of sexual minorities and substantially reduced the sexual orientation gap of mental health. The beneficial effects were present for both married and non-married sexual minorities. This phenomenon suggests that part of the health gains were related to mechanisms beyond marriage itself.
langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)42-56
Nombre de pages15
journalHealth Economics
Numéro de publication1
Date de mise en ligne précoce9 oct. 2021
Les DOIs
étatPublié - janv. 2022

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