The 'Private Household' as a Standard Socio-demographic Variable.

Uwe Warner

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In survey research, 'household' plays a number of different roles: First, it is used in many surveys as a sampling unit. Household addresses are drawn from lists of households; interviewers then visit the selected households to establish Second, as a social institution, the household has the function of imposing social order on the individual behaviour and personal orientations or attitudes of social actors. Third, in survey research, it is established practice to assume that respondents' characteristics can be influenced by characteristics of the household community of which he is a member. For example, the socio-economic status of the respondent is derived from the social status of the member of the household who enjoys the greatest social prestige. The personal lifestyle and the life chances of the respondent are determined by the social and economic resources of the household as a whole, for example by the total net household income.
langue originaleAnglais
titreDemographic Standards for Surveys and Polls in Germany and Poland
Sous-titreNational and European Dimension
Lieu de publicationMannheim
EditeurGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Nombre de pages24
ISBN (imprimé)978-3-86819-019-9
étatPublié - 2012

Série de publications


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