The relationship between land use and travel patterns: Variations by household type

Tim Schwanen, Martin Dijst, Frans M. Dieleman

Résultats de recherche: Le chapitre dans un livre, un rapport, une anthologie ou une collectionChapterRevue par des pairs

4 Citations (Scopus)


Transport researchers have traditionally considered the relationships between urban structure and travel patterns at the aggregate level. During the 1960s, they recognised, however, that for a better understanding of such relationships it is necessary to consider the travel behaviour of individuals (Chapin and Hightower, 1965). Since then numerous studies employing disaggregated data at the individual or household level have been undertaken in which the influence on travel behaviour of characteristics of the built environment is modelled alongside a range of other determinants, mostly socio-demographic variables, such as gender, employment status and income.

langue originaleAnglais
titreSpatial Planning, Urban Form and Sustainable Transport
EditeurTaylor and Francis AS
Nombre de pages25
ISBN (Electronique)9781351898737
ISBN (imprimé)9780754642510
Les DOIs
étatPublié - janv. 2005
Modification externeOui

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Publisher Copyright:
© Katie Williams 2005.

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