The time and the transitions back to work in France after maternity

Bruno Rodrigues, Vincent Vergnat

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalArticleRevue par des pairs


Previous studies have shown that childrearing has a different impact on a mother’s professional career, depending, among other reasons, on how much time passed from birth to return to work. In this paper, we use a competing risks model to determine which variables may explain time out of work, as well as the transition back to work for young mothers in France. In our study, mothers can decide to go back to the same employer, change a personal but also a professionalemployer and/or change labour supply. Our results show that it is mostly the age of the mothers at birth, their pre-birth wages, tenure, firm size as well as the state of the economy as a whole that play a large role in the way young mothers go back to work, if at all. This research highlights the key factors on which causal research should be based in order to advise firms and also policy-makers on how to influence mothers’ labour supply behaviors.
langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)861-888
journalReview of Economics of the Household
Numéro de publication3
Date de mise en ligne précoce16 mars 2019
Les DOIs
étatPublié - mars 2020

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