Senegal’s Climate Poverty and Migration: the Price of Inaction

Research output: Other contribution

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We analyse the potential effects of climate change on Senegal’s economy and population movements using a spatially pixellated model of the world economy. Examining scenarios for 2030 and 2050 with a temperature increase consistent with
RCP 7.0 (political status quo) and SSP3 (regional challenges), we aim to understand how Senegal, as a part of the global system, might be affected by these changes (...)
Translated title of the contributionRéchauffement climatique, pauvreté et mobilité au Sénégal: les conséquences de l’inaction
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Place of PublicationEsch-sur-Alzette
Publication statusPublished - 15 Feb 2024

Publication series

NamePolicy Brief
ISSN (Electronic)2716-7437


  • Senegal
  • climate poverty
  • migration
  • climate change

LISER Collections

  • Policy Brief

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